John 6:10 (NIV)

“Make the people sit down”

In this portion of scripture we see a great crowd following Jesus, thousands of people! When is the last time u saw 5000 people in one place? Well, this crowd was big!  5000 men plus their families!

So the disciples decided that it was better to send the people away because there was no food. At least for the people to go and buy food.

So Jesus, testing Philip, asks him to feed the people. But when Philip thought about the cost, it was impossible to feed them! Then Andrew, says “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”

Then after the disciples had spoken Jesus tells them to make the people sit down. Right now the disciples must have wondered what the plan was.

Listen friend, in life there are always these 2 options when it comes to provision. You can choose to focus on the reSOURCE or the SOURCE! Jesus knew that in the physical realm, the resources weren’t enough…that was clear enough to see with the physical eyes.

But he UNDERSTOOD that the resources couldn’t match the SOURCE! HE WAS THE SOURCE!
They saw the fish and bread, but failed to SEE Jesus! What a shame!

Do u see Jesus??

The bible narrates that he took the bread and fish, gave thanks and DISTRIBUTED to the ones sitting, and they ate till they were full!

Listen, Focus on the SOURCE! Jesus is your provider! HE will pay the fees! He will pay the rent! He will bring the spouse! He will provide the fare! But you have to look to him! He will DISTRIBUTE! He will satisfy!

Sitting indicates REST. They were not fed standing, they were fed resting! Stop worrying! Stop running everywhere! Sit and allow Jesus to feed you! He is your shepherd and he promises to lead you beside green pastures! Green means fresh! When you allow him to provide, you get the FRESH jobs! FRESH marriages! FRESH children! SIT DOWN! SEE THE SOURCE! AMEN!


Dear Lord Jesus, I choose to focus on you’ the SOURCE! Not the resources around me. Amen!


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