John 3:16

“For God so Loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Do you know that God doesn’t just love u…he SO loves u!  When he lost you to sin, he decided to give his best to get u! God could have abandoned us and went to create another human race in another planet, but he chose to stick to us.  We disobeyed, blasphemed, lived perversely and even mocked God, but he chose to stick.

Jesus wasn’t killed at the cross, he gave up his life. He had the power to end the life of everyone against him! Remember when they went to pick him with Judas?

The bible records that his words made them fall on the ground! (John 18:6)

When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.

He was that powerful! But to get u, he chose to stick to the plan. They led him to the cross, made from trees he created! Nailed him with nails from steel he created! His breathe kept the soldiers alive! The hands they nailed, held the world in place!

But to get you, he allowed the shame and the pain.

Today, you’re born again, still not perfect. You go against his will. You allow anger to take the better of you. You treat people as they deserve to be treated yet God gave you eternal life, something you didn’t deserve. With all this unfaithfulness, he still sticks; faithful forever!

He SO loves u! That’s why!

This message of grace is the good news! Where you get blessings you don’t deserve and kept from the punishment you deserve.

Lets not just get moved by grace, lets spread the message. That’s our calling. To spread this good news. His grace did what the law couldn’t.  His grace reveals his “SO LOVING” us!
Will u share this message?


I choose to receive and also to share the message of grace! Thank you Jesus for “SO LOVING ME!” Amen.

Am sure you have something to say :-)